Friday, March 23, 2018

Wet And Wild Canyoning in Catbalogan Samar

When was the last time you did something crazy? Me, just a few months ago. I did canyoning for the first time! I initially thought it was the easiest adventure of Trexplore but boy was I wrong. It was actually the most challenging yet fulfilling activity I ever had.

Canyoning is defined by Wiktionary as a hybrid sport in which participants travel along a canyon using a variety of techniques that may include walking, climbing, jumping, abseiling, or swimming. It's a popular activity in Cebu, specifically in the beautiful Kawasan Falls -- but I believe a more intense and thrilling canyoning experience actually exists in Catbalogan, Samar.

The adventure starts with an hour trek going to Bangon falls. We started at 9am and by 10am we were already at the starting point where we had a quick orientation with the cave master and canyoning expert Joni Bonifacio. We also did a dry run about proper rappelling techniques. This is very important because rappelling is not as easy as it looks. You have to keep your legs straight, and focus with the rope on your right hand where you can control your descent.

Just like an adventure game, we had to conquer different stages. There were 7 layers of waterfalls and we have to traverse the canyons and waterfalls by either rappelling or jumping. Here's a summary of our action-packed adventure:

1st waterfall - Rappelling 10 meters

2nd waterfall - Sliding or Jumping then swimming

3rd waterfall - Jumping 5 meters then swimming and trekking

You can jump here but I opted to rappel because I was scared lol
4th waterfall - Rappelling then swimming and trekking

5th waterfall Jumping 4 meters 

6th waterfall - Rappel

7th waterfall - Jumping 5 meters

Halourd doing the perfect jump!

For the first stage, we had to rappel down a 10-meter canyon which is like the height of a three-storey building. And because it wasn't so sunny that day, some parts were a bit slippery making it extra hard for me to rappel. The most challenging part was when we had to jump off a waterfall. It's looks so easy and simple in the picture but in reality, it's the hardest thing ever! It felt like suicide LOL. But just like life, you gotta take some risks and jump right in so you can move on! Thanks to bloggers Ate Shiela and Kuya Gian of Adrenaline Romance and Lai of TheLittleLai; the adventurer Halourd and cave master Sir Joni Bonifacio of Trexplore for the encouragement and guidance. 😁

Eating filipino delicacies prepared by Trexplore
going home at around 1pm
We survived!

After 4 hours of rappelling, jumping and trekking, we were finally on our way back to Trexplore house! I ended the day feeling tired but proud. I think too much adrenaline was released in my body that I spent the whole afternoon sleeping haha

If you're physically fit and able, you should try this too! No need to worry because all the safety gears are provided and proper guidance is always implemented.
If you want to try this, you may contact the following:

TEL: 055-2512301 / 5438550CELL: (SMART) +639192943865 / (GLOBE) +639276750062 

Check out their site as well for a list of adventure trips and prices -->

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