Sunday, May 31, 2020

UK VISA - Tier 2 Change of Employer

After working for a year with my current employer here, I decided to apply in Central London for a change of environment. So finally, I got the OK of the interviewer and got the conditional job offer (in the condition that I'll pass the pre-requisites). I did my ID check with the new employer however they noticed I'm under a Tier 2 visa. Tier 2 is usually for skilled workers sponsored by the employer. Even if I hold a current Tier 2 visa, I still need to apply for a new visa under the new employer. It was a big shock for me because I didn't think about it before applying. Mind you the certificate of sponsorship that the employer needs to issue for you costs them thousands of pounds. In my case, it was around more than £3000!!! Okay I feel bad for my first employer. If I had known this, I wouldn't really leave the trust (maybe lol). So here comes the other shocking part, I paid £1700 to apply for a new visa. The visa application alone is £483.20, then IHS was 400 per year, total of £1200 for 3 years (as of May 2020, this IHS has been scraped off). And £110 for the visa appearance.

Once you pass the employer interview, they will issue you a conditional offer. I would suggest you inform the HR or the interviewer about your Visa status upon receiving the conditional offer. The employer will issue a COS (certificate of Sponsorship) and give it to you. Then it's already your job to apply and pay for your new visa. I searched "Tier 2 change of employer" in google. Or go to the website

You must apply online and follow the steps until after you paid for it.
1. Apply online and pay for your visa and IHS. Link here --> Tier 2 Leave to Remain
2. Book your Visa appointment. The same link above will lead you to the site to book the appointment. 
3. Upload the necessary requirements which are the following:
     a. Passport
     b. BRP ID
     c. NMC evidence of full registration
Yes only 3 requirements. I went into my nmc account online and downloaded my NMC Statement of Entry and used it as evidence.

3. Go to your appointment. Have your biometrics and photo taken
4. Wait for 2-8 weeks.

After 4 days, I already received an email saying that my application was successful. Then 7 business days later, I received my new BRP via post.

So that's it! I hope you find this blog helpful. When I started to process my new visa, I felt lost and I didn't have anyone to ask about it. And even when I was doing it, I was doubtful if I was doing the right thing so I hope this will guide you and save you a lot of time. Goodluck!

P.S.  Since the covid pandemic, they have removed the IHS few and this is the new link for the health and Care Visa - - - >

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this information. Actually I wanted to know about IT employee..

    If I wanted to change employer under tier 2 visa what is the process.. I got selected for the one of IT company with good pay.. so they will gia cos and they will put a money for charges right?

    Actually what is the process? Could pls tel I f you could help me with this query.. much appreciated..



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